
Kim's Client Success Stories
I would love to take a moment to share my experience of having Kim Bullock-Hennix as a keynote speaker for our W.O.M.E.N. in Leadership Conference Tour in fabulous Las Vegas, NV! Kim’s presence and energy captivated the room as soon as she entered it so, by the time she graced the stage, the ladies were on the edge of their seats. She expertly executed the delivery of her message, engaging the ladies, tugging on their emotions, filling up their cups, and straightening their crowns. It was a wonderful experience and I would definitely invite her back on any of our tour stops. Souraya Christine Woods
Kim has a powerful message around spirituality and your connection to God to create the prosperity you’re desiring in your life. Her grasp on spiritual principles and how they are to be used to call forth all that is granted to you by divine right is always a rich and dynamic conversation. Kim’s PowerPoint presentations are appealing and VERY interactive. Her content is also deeply engaging and informative. My audience enjoyed Kim’s spirit and sense of humor from the stage. She is very personable and approachable, which many people appreciate. My expectations were met in the sense of an engaging and connected conversation from the stage. Kim was punctual, engaged with the other speakers, and made herself available to all participants throughout my two-day conference ~ Creative Executive and Founder of Transcend Seminar, NeuroLeadership Consultant Alycia Huston – San Diego, CA
Kim has spoken inside of my private program for 2 years in a row and she is always one of the favorites. Her message around mindset really helps entrepreneurs shift into more abundant thinking. The presentation is always interactive and engaging. She has an amazing ability to make every point so relevant and relatable. All of the participants walk away with a fresh new perspective that they can lean on for months and months! We love Kim, and so honored to have had her as one of my guest lecturers! Award-Winning Celebrity Youtuber and Founder of “Platform” Digital Business Strategist Dr. Tracy Timberlake- Miami, FL
I have had the pleasure of hearing Kim Bullock-Hennix speak both in-person and online. For this online experience, Kim was a guest coach with the topic “The Power of Your Mindset.” I found this presentation to be very informative and engaging. Being a follower of Kim, the only expectation that I had was that it was going to be better than her last presentation. The more presentations she does, the more confident she becomes, and it shines through in her message. Kim never disappoints. She connects to her audience, keeps things real and entertaining. The audience believes in an look up to her. She has a way of making you feel like “If KIM could do it, so can I!” Kim was on time, courteous, carried herself professionally throughout her entire presentation. She stayed on topic, shifted the mindset of the attendees, and provided them with the information she promised to deliver plus a little bit more. The value she shared will last a lifetime. National Speaker, Marriage, Dating & Relationship Coach Anita Charlot. Chicago, IL
The vote is in for Las Vegas Entrepreneurs Magazine “Top 25 Authors” and Pathfinder Kim Bullock-Hennix was ranked as number two!
“I was stunned,” Kim said. “Thank you sooooooo much to those who nominated me. Shout out to E N Joy and my book coach, Joylynn M. Ross. She is the real MVP🏆🏆🏆”.
I’m so happy for Kim, but I had to beg to differ with her on one thing. SHE IS the real MVP:
“Wow! Congratulations to you, Kim. So well deserved. You have been working so hard, and most don’t even know about the two years behind the scenes you spent (at the “Act Like an Author, Think Like a Business” conference) learning the craft and the business of putting your intellectual property out in excellence. The hard work and dedication of you earning your Path To Publishing MBA in Publishing even while life was spinning out of control. In my book, baby, you are number one! You are the MVP, and I’ll sit back as the coach and watch with immeasurable pride and proudness, because, Queen, we are on the same team, which means I got a championship ring too thanks to you. "When you win, I win." Literary Instructor & Founder of Path to Publishing Blessed Selling Author Joylynn Ross – Las Vegas, NV
The Ambitious Woman movement that Kim creates is very uplifting, empowering, and encouraging. I am so blessed and grateful for Kim Bullock-Hennix allowing God to use her to pour into our spirits to become a better woman. I look forward to more powerful sessions. Ambitious Woman Virtual Attendee Christina Jennings, San Antonio, TX
I am SO excited to be a part of Kim’s vision for Ambitious Women. As an Evangelist there are times when I need to be encouraged my self and refocus. Kim Bullock-Hennix helps me to reevaluate and come back stronger. Kim teaches us that through prayer and meditation we need that time to devote to God so when can be who he called us to be and work on taking better care of ourselves. Ambitious Woman Team Expert Evangelist Gayle Pierce-Younger, Tucson, AZ
Kim’s Coaching Client’s
Miraculous Praise Report’s
A Destiny Fulfilled
Kim teaches on a level that is electrifying. You get excited to hear her speak and when she is finished you have left on cloud 9 for weeks afterward. The miracles that have taken place in my life due to this woman are mind-blowing. I signed up for her coaching after the first time I heard her speak. My life has never been the same. I’m a completely different woman for the better. My fiancé has fallen in love with me all over again because of the coaching and commitment I invested in myself with Coach Kim. I am more confident, and my business has prospered. I never been this happy in my life and I finally feel like I am walking in my destiny. I love this woman, Kim engages with her clients frequently. She is hilarious and will keep you at the edge of your seat wanting more from her. Jayla – Detroit, MI
A Marriage Restored
Hola Ambitious chicas I have to share my testimony about my miracle after attending Kim Bullock-Hennix’s God size assignment masterclass. My husband and I were on the verge of a divorce. We would fight all the time and the stress of my infertility was ruining my marriage. I was ready to throw in the towel and call it quits. Then I heard a small voice say you need to sign up for Kim’s class it will change your marriage. I knew it would be a God-size assignment for my marriage to heal. I took the class and applied all the lessons she taught. I’m not going to lie it was hard chicas. I cried a lot and prayed. Then on Day 4 my husband came home with roses and told me he wanted to start over and make our marriage better. He apologized he wasn’t compassionate enough and surprise me with a trip to Kenya one of my dream vacations to rekindle our marriage. Kim Bullock-Hennix thank you for making a huge difference and letting God use you. We renewed our vowels and made a new commitment to each other. I could not be happier. Mercedes – Santa Fe, NM
A Financial Blessing
I started coaching with Kim with the mindset to grow and become all God wanted me to be. Last night’s class on blessing protection help me see the 5 prayers I need to use to protect and elevate. This morning I got a call that there was $2000 in my student account that I didn’t know about and they have been trying to reach me. They said if I didn’t contact them by today the money would have been sent back to the sponsor. I praise God he protected this financial blessing. This was a blessing I wasn’t expecting and God protected me because I learned how to pray for blessings he saw and I didn’t. Thank You Kim Bullock-Hennix for giving me this tool and I will use it for the rest of my life. Diamond – Palm Springs, CA
A Body Healed
I registered for this class because the doctor tried to tell me I something wrong with my liver. After much prayer I knew I needed to work with Kim Bullock-Hennix. God told me to sign up for God Size Assignment 7-Day Masterclass and work with Kim. The sessions have been enlightening and God has been speaking through you to heal me. When you shared Trust, God Trust Yourself, and Take Action I followed the lessons and went back to the doctor today. They could not find anything wrong with my liver. God healed me. Thank you, Kim. This was a God Size Assignment he used you for. Rajaini – Austin, TX

Are You Ready To Reign Abundantly Your Life With Kim???